Money Blueprint Session
1x 60 min private zoom call
In this private call, Tasha will psychically walk you through breaking your exact money curses and bad patterns so that you can decrease debt, have easier cash flow, build your investments, add on additional passive income and stack your savings account.
Break Patterns & Clearing Debt - remove old thinking patterns and behaviors that cause you to over spend or attract debt and large bills. Learn how to pay off student loands, mortgages and credit cards so that you can be financially free
Stack Savings - Connect to your richest self so that you can heal anything in the way of you having multiple accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars in each account. Create savings accounts for yourseld and your family and kids so that you'll always have way more then enough.
Passive Income & Investments - Heal to attract more money in easier ways including passive income and investments. Have money coming in through various price points and numerous streams. Create money that makes more money and then turns into even more money.
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