Tasha's Story
Tasha Wall is 50% Chinese & 50% German and growing up, wanted desperately to be a model. Not just any kind of model, a SUPERMODEL. As a young girl , she was searching for her beauty amongst all her favorite 90’s role models, which were mostly blonde bombshells like Kate moss , Claudia Schiffer and Pamela Anderson.
So she would cover her olive skin with white foundation , and attempt to bleach her hair with boxes of blonde isma and sun-in doing the only things she really knew in attempts to be the representation of beauty and sex appeal. Year after year, she entered every casting call and modelling competition, applied to numerous agencies but unfortunately was never chosen.
So she took matters into her own hands, and chose herself instead. She started to work on becoming the self made supermodel of her own brand. She began the journey of healing her relationship with food, men and her body , and she transformed every piece of her life that made her feel like anything less then a star. She decided that every day, she would be a covergirl for the change she represents and the steps it took to get there. In return, she began to have her story featured and published in various magazines, articles and platforms such as Dove, GQ, Maxim, Oxygen and many more
Every step of the way, Tasha has been recording and refining all of her life lessons and turning them into programs so that other women can become their own idea of beauty, sex appeal and balance in any phase of your life. Her mission and goal is so that you too, can feel like their own version of supermodel.
My Body Journey
Tasha's weight loss journey began 16 years ago, when she started off as a personal trainer after transforming her own body and overcoming a binge eating disorder. She has since went on to help thousands of women heal their relationship with food and become the hottest and healthiest versions of themselves.
My Postpartum Journey
After giving birth to her second son, losing 55lbs and overcoming post partum depression, Tasha reinvented herself by converting all her personal training services into an online weight loss programs. She grew a new passion for helping women claim back their personal identities and being able to balance the ins and outs of motherhood, sex and spirituality